information for third parties

We are happy to discuss whether our service might be appropriate for the person you have in mind – if you provide us with your own contact details on our contact form.

Our support is only effective if someone feels ready for bereavement support and is in a position to make that initial contact themselves. We are happy to discuss individual cases where there may be access issues related to a disability – to explore any adjustments we can make.

Our bereavement supporters are volunteers with a range of skills but not necessarily from a counselling background and are required to successfully complete our 30 hour bereavement training.

Sometimes a crisis service is more appropriate such as the Richmond Mind Journey Recovery Hub

Please contact us on if you have any concerns about our criteria or you would like any further information.

Before advising someone to self-refer to us please note that they must:

  • Not be attending any other regular psychological treatment
  • Not be feeling extremely anxious and having panic attacks or flashbacks
  • Not be actively suicidal, or self-harming
  • Not be having episodes of hypomania or mania, (feeling very high) or psychosis (may be hearing voices, or feeling very paranoid).
  • Not be having episodes of dissociation, feeling disconnected from yourself and the world around you, having memory gaps – pre-dating the bereavement.
  • Not be excessively using recreational drugs or alcohol
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